Careerforce is industry driven, and seeks to understand and meet the workforce development needs, in order to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.

We first commissioned research in 2017 to provide a benchmark for measuring Careerforce’s performance from an employer perspective on an annual basis. The aim of the research is to gather feedback that can help identify Careerforce’s strengths and areas where improvements can be made at operational/delivery and strategic levels.

Careerforce is committed to improving services and programmes, and the research findings provide valuable feedback that Careerforce can respond to.  Carte Blanche have conducted this research on behalf of Careerforce. The research is longitudinal in nature, allowing Careerforce to monitor employer satisfaction over time.  Employer survey reports can be downloaded below:

Download Careerforce Employer Survey for yr 2023

Download Careerforce Employer Survey for yr 2022

Download Careerforce Employer Survey for yr 2021

Download Careerforce Employer Survey for yr 2020

Download Careerforce Employer Survey for yr 2019

Download Careerforce Employer Survey for yr 2018

Download Careerforce Employer Survey for yr 2017