Academic misconduct

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When a learner presents assessment evidence that is not their own, gathered from another learner’s work, or from online resources (including generative AI), or from any other sources, we call this ‘academic misconduct’. ‘Misconduct’ means some form of wrongdoing. You may also hear this referred to as ‘academic dishonesty’ or ‘academic integrity’.

Consequences of academic misconduct

Careerforce takes academic misconduct seriously.

We have an important role in ensuring the integrity of our programmes and qualifications. Your employer needs to know that you are skilled and competent to do your job, and your clients need to be properly looked after.

When examples of academic misconduct are detected, there are consequences. In some cases, unit standards will be removed from a learner’s NZQA record of achievement and the learner required to re-submit new assessment evidence for marking.

If a qualification has been awarded and unit standards are removed from the NZQA record of achievement, the qualification will be removed. If continued academic misconduct is detected, the learner’s training agreement may be terminated, meaning the qualification is unable to be completed. These consequences can have impacts on the relationship between the learner and the employer, and without the qualification your rate of pay may be impacted.

How to avoid it – use your own words

All assessment work completed must be your own original work and must be produced without assistance from other people. You must not buy assessment answers, copy from other learner’s work, or copy from other sources. Where you have used the ideas of other authors, you need to acknowledge all the sources. Learners are reminded that their training agreement requires compliance with The Educational Regulatory Framework of Te Pūkenga: Te Kawa Maiorooro. (7.7 covers Academic Integrity).

Don’t use AI for assessments

Artificial Intelligence chatbots, such as ChatGPT, Copilot, Bard and BingAI learn from information on the internet to generate written responses to prompts or questions. The use of AI in answering your assessment questions is NOT acceptable.

Use of AI can be okay for generating ideas, translating languages or generating images, but be aware that AI can make mistakes, may be out of date, and does not necessarily provide answers that are right for your context, your organisation and NZ laws and codes.

Assessment answers must be written in your own words and using your own examples. You are not being marked on how well you write or your English language skills. By giving your own examples from your workplace in your own original words, you demonstrate that you understand how to complete a task. Talking about your on-job experiences in assessments is the best way to show your competence.

Observers need to see you completing practical tasks

Where you are asked to demonstrate a task for an assessment, an observation from must be completed and signed by an approved observer or assessor.

We can support you

If you are struggling with any of your assessments, or with literacy, please talk to your manager or assessor. You can also attend one of our free study workshops across the country, or contact us at Careerforce. You may also find the following resource helpful: Your original words.

Please remember, we are here to help you become skilled and competent and succeed!