It’s training that makes a real difference

In consultation with our sectors, we developed our Apprenticeship programme to make a real difference to the workforce, to organisations and to the people being supported.

Careerforce commissioned independent research organisation, the New Zealand Council for Educational Research, to investigate the difference that the apprenticeship programme was making. They spoke with apprentices across a range of sectors. Due to the newness of the programme, most apprentices surveyed were only a third of the way through the programme at the time, but the findings were impressive.

Overwhelmingly, apprentices described at least some new knowledge or change in perspective about their role and work practice and also described shifts in how they did things at work.

Many apprentices reported gaining new knowledge about the conditions or backgrounds of the people they support and new perspectives on the people themselves. Every apprentice surveyed was also impacted personally by the apprenticeship programme.

Building a person-centred, thinking workforce

The apprenticeship programmes are underpinned by the philosophy of building a person-centred, thinking workforce. Our workforce is contributing to task-oriented outcomes every day. Often, what’s missing is the ability to reflect on those outcomes and ask themselves how they can do better.

The apprenticeship programme develops those reflective practice and critical thinking skills. It draws on their existing experience but encourages them to look at their work in a different light. Research has shown that this reflective practice has changed the way apprentices work. Apprentices are now taking the time to prepare before meeting with the people they support and they’re more focused on the person during the meeting.

It’s about hauora.

Our apprenticeship programmes are all built on a person-centred philosophy. Looking beyond the individual, the apprentice is taught to recognise and support a person’s familial, social, cultural and health needs.

It’s about building resilience in those we support.

All Careerforce apprenticeship programmes begin with the apprentice learning how to strengthen their own resilience. They then learn how to enable the people they support to build their own resilience to meet life’s challenges and take control of their journey.

Careerforce Apprenticeship Advisors

Careerforce Apprenticeships are well-supported and resourced on-the-job training programme. Careerforce has Apprenticeship Advisors across the country to support apprentices.

The Apprenticeship Advisor acts as “coach” providing one-on-one support appropriate to the individual apprentice and their needs. The apprentice’s advisor will engage with the employer and others as needed to provide additional learning support and appropriate pastoral care based on the apprentice’s needs. The Advisor is also the apprentice’s assessor.

Get in touch for more information about apprenticeships