Do you have a Careerforce learner who is going through a tough time and may need support?

Are you a Careerforce enrolled learner wanting support?

We’d like to help!  Complete form to access mental health support


We’re committed to promoting a healthy learning environment where Careerforce enrolled learners can talk to someone confidentially about their mental health when they need to.

Recent research conducted within Te Pūkenga’s work-based learning division revealed that 30% of participants reported dealing with mental health issues (S. Bartlett, 2023).

Careerforce is extending support to those enrolled in a Careerforce programme* through a short-term pilot programme. Our Mental Health Advisors are available to provide assistance to individuals on their learning journey.

Our objective is to foster a positive and supportive learning environment where all Careerforce programme participants feel comfortable seeking confidential support for their mental health and wellbeing. 

Support is available  via phone, text, email, Microsoft Teams, or in-person depending on location.

*This pilot excludes Gateway learners

Take the first step. Simply complete the referral form below.

Remember learners can also access a free counselling service from professional employee assistance provider Vitae The Vitae confidential counselling service is available 24/7.

This pilot is generously funded by Te Whatu Ora until 20 December 2024 View/Download Mental Health Support flyer


Complete referral form

If you are completing this form on behalf of a learner, please ensure that you have their consent.